With the exception of PMR446 which is Licence-Free across most of the EU, all radio transmitting equipment must have a licence.
Airphone Communications are authorised by Ofcom to assist with all aspects of licensing. We can also assist in applying for frequencies. We take the hassle out of applications and deal with all payments and paperwork, generally speeding up the process of your application. We can also manage your radio license over the years making sure that it never lapses and leaves you exposed.
In addition, if you need to be up and running in a hurry, we can supply your new equipment on a “parking” channel for up to 3 months, pending your licence approval.
There is no charge for this, or re-programming your equipment once your Licence has been approved, subject to site visit or carriage charges.
The main licences available are:
- Business Radio Simple Site Light Licence This license allows use of a base station and portables/mobile units within a small geographical area (typically 1km or less). Channels are non exclusive (from an allocation of channels, shared, and with possible risk of interference but co-ordinated by us in your area for best fit). The licence fee is £75 for a 5 year period.
- Business Radio Simple UK Light Licence This license allows use of hand-portable or mobile radio, but base station, anywhere in UK. Channels are non exclusive (from an allocation of channels, shared, and with possible risk of interference but co-ordinated by us in your area for best fit). Licence cost is £75 for a 5 year period.
- Business Radio Technically Assigned Licence This license is a flexible license allowing on-site or wide area fixed base equipment or talk-through (Repeater) equipment and portables/mobile units running higher power. Channels are exclusive (useful when a specific requirement for privacy such as security). Licence fees are calculated on the basis of several factors including the size of the coverage area and the popularity of the frequency band and typically range from £75 to £1480 for a single channel assignment.
- Area Defined Area Defined licences give customers exclusive use of a frequency across either a 50km2 grid square, a country or the whole of the UK. Licence fees are calculated using a combination of frequency width, frequency range and region covered and can cost as much as £9900.
Availability of UK wide channels is extremely limited above 165MHz, so if wish to purchase an Area Defined licence you should check spectrum availability with either Ofcom or ourselves first.
We welcome any queries you may have regarding your licensing needs.
Further information regarding Ofcom radio licencing is available on the Business Radio section of their website.